Dinosaur Neil

Dinosaur Neil is a fictional character from the animated television series, The Tick. Voiced by Danny Mann, he is a near middle-aged man with a thick mustache who works at a dinosaur park, apparently as a mascot; however, he is actually a paleontologist, thus working twofold with dinosaurs. He is always seen wearing a green dinosaur outfit and is currently married to Dot (sister of Arthur, The Tick's sidekick).

Neil made his Tick debut in the episode, "The Tick vs. Dinosaur Neil." One unfortunate day, Neil accidentally ended up eating one of his own dinosaur-cloning experiments (confusing it for the pasta salad he was eating at the time) which mutated his DNA and turned him in to a 70 foot dinosaur; however, for some reason, even in this form he still retained his thick mustache.

He later returned in "The Tick vs. Dinosaur Neil and Dot's Wedding" where he and Arthur's sister, Dot, are getting married. However, a group of supervillains who've previously battled The Tick and lost — Chairface Chippendale, The Breadmaster, and El Seed — have plans to tamper with Neil's aspirin that keeps him from growing and taking control of the giant Neil for their own evil purposes.

The wedding is crashed by El Seed's man-eating flower bouquet and Breadmaster's exploding wedding cake, and while The Tick and Arthur deal with these, Chairface sends the uniquely talented Indigestible Man to be swallowed up the rampaging Neil in order to plant a remote control device into his brain.

The Tick, Arthur, and Dot — following instructions left by Neil in the event that he should ever become an out of control dinosaur again — cover a submarine borrowed from Sewer Urchin in raw meat, and are swallowed by Neil as well, where The Tick has to defeat the Indigestible Man and remove the "swollen DNA" from Neil's brain that's the source of his mutations.